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Teens swing into action to raise mnoey in friend's memory with golf competition

1.	Jack Feeney and Ashton Houlihan organised a charity golf day in memory of their friend Bobby Spencer

Friends of Widnes teenager Bobby Spencer marked the anniversary of his passing by holding a fundraising golf competition in his memory.

The event at West Derby Golf Club raised £9,000 for the Bobby Spencer Fund which is associated to The Brain Tumour charity. It brings the total raised in Bobby’s memory to more than £60,000.

The golf competition was organised by 15-year-olds Jack Feeney and Ashton Houlihan and friends.

Ashton’s mum Amy explained: “My son Ashton and some of his friends were in the same class as Bobby Spencer who sadly passed away last year at the age of 14 just 11 months after being diagnosed with brain cancer. They wanted to do something in Bobby’s memory and last year ran around 12 miles from Wade Deacon High School to Anfield, Liverpool Football Club.

“Ashton and his friend Jack have been playing golf together since they were six years old. When Jack became junior captain of West Derby Golf Club he and Ashton decided to host the club’s first junior charity golf day, just a few days after the anniversary of Bobby’s passing. I’m really proud of what Ashton and his friends have started. The event raised just over £7,500, a club member made it up to £8,000 and then Jaguar Land Rover donated £1,000. Ashton and Jack were overwhelmed, but it was a fantastic day raising money to help research and treat this horrific disease. We want to raise £100,000 so that Bobby has a lasting legacy.”

Bobby’s brother Freddie was among the golfers who took part in the competition. His parents also attended the event.

Ashton, who met Bobby when they started high school in September 2020, said: “Bobby knew I didn’t know many of the lads in our class and took the time to introduce me to the lads he knew, who continue to be my good friends to this day. He was hilarious, cheeky, always making us laugh. He was kind, caring and always happy – I never saw him without a smile on his face. He would never let anyone sit on their own and looked out for people. He was insanely talented at cricket and played for his county. He was a good footballer and also my only mate at school who actually enjoyed and played golf. He’s left a huge hole in our year and friendship group at school. He will always be part of our year and that’s why we want to keep a legacy going for him, by raising funds for charities that mean so much to the family.”

Ashton’s mum Amy works for us and we sponsored the junior golf competition. Colleagues also gave generously including donating raffle prizes to help towards the fundraising.

“Anwyl is a family-run business and everyone within the team has been affected by cancer in some way, which is why they were so keen to support Ashton’s fundraising,” Amy added.

Further fundraisers are planned to help towards the £100,000 target. For details or to make a donation see